Video: Mechanism of Action Infographics THR Agonism and Other Novel Mechanisms for the Treatment of NAFLD/MASH Non-invasive MAFLD/MASH Diagnostic Engaging Individuals with NAFLD/MASH in Their Care Engaging in Your MAFLD/MASH Management Resources The International Liver Congress, EASL 2024: Examining the Clinical Implications of Emerging Disease-Specific Therapies Translations English French German Italian Spanish United European Gastroenterology 2024 meeting: Examining the Clinical Implications of Emerging Disease-Specific Therapies Translations English French German Italian Spanish Paris MASH 2024: Examining the Clinical Implications of Emerging Disease-Specific Therapies Translations English French German Italian Spanish European Association for the Study of Diabetes 2024: Examining the Clinical Implications of Emerging Disease-Specific Therapies Translations English French German Italian Spanish Suggested Readings List FAQ Resources